Our advice Home page > Our advice Prevention and treatment Health Travel Detection Laws and regulations Prevention and treatment Bedbugs: treatments, symptoms, causes and prevention Treatments: how do you get rid of bedbugs? Signs and symptoms: how do you know if you have bedbugs? How do you treat rashes caused by bedbug bites? What are the consequences of a bedbug infestation? Causes and prevention of bedbugs FAQ Places frequently infested by bedbugs The different bedbug traps: effectiveness and instructions for use What is the best way to deal with bed bugs? Home remedies for bedbugs Diatomaceous Earth against bedbugs: how to use it Is rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) effective in killing bed bugs? Scams: The promises of bed bugs control companies Health Bedbug bites: recognising and treating them Bed bugs and pets: what you need to know My baby has been bitten by bed bugs: what can I do? Allergy to bed bug bites: what you need to do Bed bug bites – Why does it itch? How to relieve bed bug bites? The differences between bed bug bites and other biting insects (mosquitoes and spiders) Recognizing bed bug bites Psychological impact of bed bug victims Travel How can I avoid bed bugs when I travel? How do you know if there are bedbugs in your holiday accommodation? How do you protect yourself from bedbugs when travelling? On your return from a trip: how do you avoid bringing bedbugs home? Hotels, mountain refuges, dormitories, public transport: places frequently infested with bedbugs Precautions to take if you are renting out your house or flat through Airbnb? Bed bugs on aeroplanes: what should you do? Bedbugs: the scourge of Corsica’s GR20 refuges Bed bugs on the Stevenson trail – GR70 Rent out your room or apartment with Air BnB Bed bugs in Airbnb: solutions for travellers and hosts Protecting yourself from bedbugs in hiking shelters Bed bugs in hotels: what to do All you need to know about bed bugs on the road to Santiago de Compostela How to prevent bed bug infestations when traveling? Bed bugs free hiking in the refuges of the GR10 / GR11 – Crossing the Pyrenees Detection Dog detection: A formidable weapon against bed bugs How can dogs detect bed bugs? How does canine detection work? A canine detection video When to call in a canine detection company? How much does canine detection for bed bugs cost? All you need to know about bed bug larvae Bed bugs on mattresses: what can you do to get rid of them? Bed bug marks and spots: recognising them and the treatments to be applied Bed bugs: causes and risk factors of infestation Appearance and life cycle of bed bugs Laws and regulations Bedbugs in France: state authorities Information campaign against bed bugs