Sereni-d®, the bed bug expert, has been awarded the Certibiocide Nuisibles label, attesting to its ongoing commitment toexcellence in the fight against pests, and bed bugs in particular. This recognition is the result of certification and diploma training provided by Izipest, anorganization approved by the French Ministry of the Environment. This training is an essential prerequisite for the purchase, use and sale of TP14 Rotenticides, TP18 Insecticides and TP20 Lutte contre d’autres vertébrés biocidal products, intended for professionals.
This training initiative has several crucial objectives, including in-depth knowledge of the biology of 3D target species (Disinfection, Rat Control, Insect Pest Control), understanding the regulatory requirements for professional biocidal products, raising awareness of measures to prevent risks to health and the environment, and promoting alternative methods to biocidal products. Training also aims to standardize the knowledge and skills of professionals, while ensuring the safety of people, professionals and their customers.
It is essential to remember that some Sereni-d® products act as biocides thanks to their repellent and/or insecticidal properties specifically targeting bed bugs. Pests such as insects, rats, mice, pathogens, etc., can be treated with biocides or phytosanitary products, depending on the potential risks to human/animal or plant health.
As part of this comprehensive training course, packed with technical information and feedback from field experience, we would like to emphasize theimportance of teamwork between professional and customer during bed bug treatments. According to statistics, the success of a treatment depends 30% on the work of the professional (chemical, thermal and mechanical treatments in parallel) and 70% on the customer’s compliance with the protocol before and after the treatment.
The protocol recommended before any bed bug treatment is rigorous. It includes essential steps to be carried out by the customer, such as
- careful cleaning,
- high-temperature washing or freezing of curtains and clothing (place in airtight containers for the duration of the treatment, keeping only the bare minimum),
- filling cracks,
- dismantling items such as bed base slats, bed legs and electrical sockets,
- remove pictures,
- remove wallpaper and torn carpets if necessary,
- empty furniture…
Sereni-d® recommends this strict protocol to all its customers, before each treatment, and we emphasize the importance of these measures in successfully eliminating bed bugs, known for their meticulous hiding places. A minimum of three treatments must be carried out at 10/15 day intervals (no more, no less), and the customer must sleep in their home for the duration of the treatment.
Combined with the Certipunaise certification, this Certibiocide diploma clearly demonstrates Sereni-d®‘s commitment to offering quality professional solutions and services to its private customers, and reinforces its position as theundisputed expert in bed bug control. To find out more about our services and products, visit