All you need to know about bedbugs. 10 unusual facts about bedbugs.
- Bedbugs appeared just after the dinosaurs, 115 million years ago!
- Two species of bedbugs co-exist: Cimex Lectularius, more common in developed countries, and Cimex Hemipterus, more common in developing countries. These two species are similar and treat each other in the same way.
- One household in ten was affected by bedbugs between 2017 and 2022, according to a report by ANSES (Agence Nationale de Sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation de l’environnement et du travail).
- 30% of people bitten by bedbugs have no reaction to their bites. In families, it’s usually women and children who get bitten, as they give off more pheromones than men when they sleep, and bed bugs are attracted to these pheromones.
- The bedbug egg goes through 5 stages before becoming an adult. Each stage lasts between 3 and 5 days, depending on temperature. The higher the temperature, the shorter the stages, so the faster the cycles and the faster the bed bugs reproduce.
- A bedbug can live for over 18 months without feeding when it goes into hibernation.
- During treatment, 20% of areas remain untreated due to their inaccessibility (cracks, electrical outlets, etc.). That’s why it’s vital to follow a strict disinsectisation protocol.
- A bedbug blood meal generally lasts 15 minutes. During feeding, bed bugs are often disturbed by their host’s movement. That’s why bedbug bites are often grouped or in a line.
- An adult female bedbug lays an average of 5 eggs a day.
- Without treatment, after 6 months of infestation, if all the conditions are right, 35,000 bed bugs will be born.